Sunday, July 13, 2008

Might As Well Make Use Of My Time....

Hello World....

It's 1:20 A.M. and I can't sleep. So instead of pacing our bedroom floor, I came down here to post about something. I'm not sure what it is. I think I'll tell the dream I had last night..... or, the night before, because it was Friday night...

Anyway, mommy had a baby. It was the sweetest little girl I had ever seen. Sweet, healthy, etc.. And she had the roundest face. Mommy put her into my arms as Chloe and daddy helped her with something. I forgot about everything in my life except that little newborn baby, gazing up into my eyes, and I marveled at God's creation. "Behold, I am fearfully and wonderfully made." It was amazing how those tiny little fingers grasped my pinkie, how those little tiny feet kicked and squirmed, how those eyes sparkled and shone. I thought, as tears came to my eyes, "This baby is real. This is not a dream. At last it's not a dream!" You see, the past few months (when the would-have-been- birthdate for the poor little baby was near) I've been having dreams that mommy has had a baby, or got pregnant, or something along those lines, and my thought was always, "This must be a dream. It's too good." This time it was, "It's too real and good to be a dream." I can still feel the warm, soft skin of the baby that I was holding in my arms, and I see her sparkling eyes as vividly as though it actually happened. It was the strangest dream I've ever had. We named her Cassandra, and it suited her perfectly round face and eyes wonderfully.
The rest of the dream is vague and incoherent. But that one part.... I forgot everything, everyone, except that little baby girl I was holding, that was the only part that was clear, and remains vivid in my mind, and that I can still feel in my arms.

Okay, I think I'll go read now....

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