Thursday, January 29, 2009

Well? What Did You Expect From A Romantic Person?

I have always loved this painting ever since I can remember.... Probably the first time I saw it. The smirk on the guys face, the intentness of the girl on making everything perfect and exact, the tender look on the husband's (or soon to be) face as he watches her work, and the way she has to stand on tiptoe to reach the desk in order to sign, the single rose on the window sill, paints a very expressive, exact, sweet protrait of going to get a marriage license. :)


Olivia Howard said...

*I* love her canary yellow dress... and white heels! But oh how lovely is the thought!


Ruby Jean Hopkins said...

Yeah... I always told myself that I wanted to be dressed like that when I'm engaged. :P I have one kind of like it... Not quite though. Actually, I think we have a pattern! Maybe we should make one sometime. :) Yes... very lovely I'm sure...*drifts off into a daydream...* oh, sorry! :)