I thought that I would post some pictures of where I work every week. :) I go to this farm every Saturday and work hard all day for a free riding lesson. (My brother, my friend Debbie and I go together.) We muck stalls, feed horses, groom horses, my brother helps with construction sometimes, we clean tack and saddles, change water buckets, empty manure and all sorts of stuff! It's a lot of fun, and pretty much the highlight of the week.
These two horses are Abe and Walter. Walter is the smaller horse; he's about a year old. Abe is the big one - a Halflinger - and only 3 years old! He's one of the bigger horses in the barn, and he's really stocky and big for his breed. Halflingers used to be bred big, but then they got bred smaller so that now they're only a little bigger than a pony. Abe had a bad problem with his bones - it had something to do with his growing so fast - and they almost had him put down. But he didn't seem to be complaining about the problem at all, so they decided to keep him and see what happened. He seems fine, and they're hoping that by next Spring his bones will have evened out with his growing rate. He boards at the barn. They are about sixteen horses there, and about eight of them are owned by my boss. :)
These are Isaac's feet. He's a thoroughbred horse, and the experienced riders who do big jumps and everything ride them. He used to be a racehorse, I believe. I just liked this picture because of the way he was holding his feet while he was being groomed. :D
So, that is where I work every week. I would have put more pictures up of the actual horses, but they weren't very good pictures, so maybe some other time. :)